Craziest Fourth

5 min readFeb 28, 2021

The time of day was evening and it was also to be the 4th of July where fireworks and all sorts of festivities would leap and take to the sky. A long day after work was met with going back to the house with a co-worker/friend. Quickly went inside to change out of the work uniform into casual street clothes which were somewhat holiday festive at the same time. Very soon after the change was complete the two friends were on their way over to the west side of town so the other friend could change as well. Remember thinking I never been over to the west side before to hang out with a friend this was my very first time, I wonder what it would be like.

If you know anything about where the town I hail from, you would constantly hear about the stories of how the west side doesn’t normally get along with the east side. Knowing all of that aside I didn’t really give it much thought at all on the way over to my friend’s house. We finally arrived at my friend’s house . He went to his room to change while he told me to make myself right at home so I did. By this time I believe we had already been drinking before we got to his house, and when we got to his house more drinking continued. Upon leaving his house for downtown we decided to stop at a nearby gas station for some snacks and drink.

Once we had gathered the items we were to purchase and made our way to the counter I noticed two or three females speaking rather loudly right behind us. As we were in the gas station only to purchase our items and make our way downtown for the fourth I didn’t really pay the loud women any attention. However that quickly did not appear to be the case with the loud rowdy women at all. For once I pulled out my wallet and began to pay for the items my friend and I noticed the women pointing and saying loudly to each other “he got money!, he got money!”. Before I could even say one word my friend had already immediately began to engage in a verbal altercation with the females saying “what y’all mean he got money, why the fuck y’all worried about what he got”.

After I made my purchase I quickly made my way out the store and my friend followed right after me. For right after this incident took place I couldn’t help but have this sinking feeling something very bad was about to occur. As we were leaving the store my friend was still going on about the women calling them all types of names, deserving of low life women such as they. Now it is important to point out my friend was quite the lively one rest his soul, he did not hold his tongue for nobody especially when it came to messing with someone who he considers a close friend. Unfortunately much to my dismay, the women left out the store and began to follow us right along the same exact path we were taking.

My friend being the lively one he was realized they were behind us and continued to curse them out and called them all kinds of names. I’m sure not if my friend realized this, but I surely made note of it. One of the girls was on the phone the whole time walking behind us talking to someone. Now I’m not too sure how it is today, but back during this time late at night where we were walking it’s very dark and almost no street lights are on. Well as we were making our way down this hill closer to our destination. It was at that moment it became clear who the girl was talking to on the phone. For when I looked up I saw about ten guys come out the cut coming towards us and I heard the girls yell out “those guys right there, yea them right there, they were talking about y’all!”.

At this point I already know what’s about to happen now so I’m bracing myself for a physical altercation. Sure enough before we could say anything as soon as they walked by one of the guys struck my friend and he went down. Then they began to surround me, back then and as a matter of fact even to this day I carried a pocket knife. Me knowing I was outnumbered and highly likely was going to lose the fight I thought if I was going out I would at least injure one or two of them. So I pulled my pocket knife out, as I was pulling my pocket knife out they started striking me from every direction, mind you my friend and I had both been drinking so our sense of direction was all the way off. As they hit me I fell to the ground, when I got back up I was swinging my arms around very rapidly, at that moment all of the guys took off running. I believe I was swinging the arm I had my knife in and that’s what made the dudes take off.

My friend who had suffered a few cuts to the face from being struck and I think his glasses were also broken in the scuffle, had just come to as the dudes were running away. At that moment me and my friend started back after the dudes, but when we realized we weren’t going to catch them we went in the opposite direction because my friend had plans of getting some back up. As we were walking away my friend had noticed some blood dripping from my leg and I noticed I was walking kind of funny, though I couldn’t really feel it as I was still pretty drunk. Well through all my limping and bleeding we finally made it to our back up, got in a car and drove around looking for the guys for retaliation. As it would have it we found the guys who attacked us but we had to make a crazy turn in our vehicle, they quickly noticed us and took off running. After hours of riding around looking for them again and coming up empty handed we decided it was a good idea to go to the hospital and have our wounds treated and we were both really fucked up, especially me with being stabbed and all. I’m not sure if it was because of the alcohol or I just plain panicked but at first I thought someone stabbed me in the scuffle. However, upon further thinking about it me and my friend came to the conclusion I most likely fell on my own damn blade as I was going to the ground. Long story short we both were finally seen by the doctor and that put an end to this crazy night.




ReaperScripts is a story about the life of and/or around Pichon Gilmore aka Reaper through the words of his alter ego Reaper